Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Dark Time

The past few months have been some rough ones for me, but I know that in time the sun will shine for me again. My children are still healthy and beautiful and I am still the most blessed person that I know. I'll tell you one thing, these past few months have shown me how amazing and caring my family and friends are. Love and support is raining down in buckets and I cannot express in words how thankful I am to have so many special souls in my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I have a ton of pictures to download from the past few months so that I can catch up on my blogging. I don't want to forget to record anything important. I can barely remember my name from day to day, so I need to write things down!!!


Lauren said...

Love you, babe! You know I'm here for you!

Rachel said...

Love you woman; hope you're hanging in there.