Friday, September 19, 2008

Lello (Rhymes with jello)?

Hugie loves to walk around with my cell phone on his ear (just like Daddy). This morning he was walking around saying, "lelloooooooo Papa?" One of these days Hughie is going to disappear because I will no longer be able to stand his cuteness and I will have dunked him in my coffee and EATEN HIM.

Georgia's been very sweet lately too. She saw this commercial with these mermaids who actually flap their tails (thank you, Mattel) and has literally been hounding me non-stop for one for weeks.

I told her that if she filled her star chart, we would get one.

"Mommy, if I put my clothes in the hamper can I get my all of my stars and my doll?"

"No, but I'll give you one star towards earning your doll."

"Mommy, if I say 'please' and 'thank you' can I get all of my stars and my doll?"

"No, but you'll earn one star."

"Mommy, if I make my bed can I get all of my stars and my doll?"

"No, but you'll earn one star."

This went on for a week or two, but now she realizes that she really does have to fill her chart first and it's not going to happen overnight. So, we're almost there, 8 stars (out of 42) to go. She actually earned 3 stars last night for finding Hughie's sole binkie before bedtime! I think this will be the first time that she really gets the idea of earning something. It's a very exciting time for me. And for the record, Georgia now puts her dirty clothes directly in the hamper before bath WITHOUT BEING ASKED. We're still working on the rest.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

The star chart is such a good idea. We do something similar with book points. My kids just earn points towards new books for all their good deeds.