So kindergarten orientation was easy. Georgia got to ride a bus for the first time (with Mommy) and meet her teacher. She's wearing a flowered dress in the kindergarten orientation pics. But for her first day of school (bright pink outfit)when she realized that I was NOT getting on the bus this time and/or going with her to school, she was terrified. Luckily there were 3 other kids from her daycare who were going to the same class as she was. She sat with a sweet little girl named Jada on the bus. She would not smile for me (she put her head down), but she didn't cry either. Not only did I cry, but I kept crying on and off for most of the day thinking about my little baby off in her new world without me standing guard. It's so scary to let go!! But she loved kindergarten and didn't even hesitate to get on the bus this morning. Hughie wanted to get on the bus too, and threw a royal fit when I wouldn't let him. Georgia's favorite part about her first day was having her own change purse with her own money so that she could pay for her milk!
Hughie's first day of daycare was easy. We went to his room (with his new spiderman backpack on) and he just waltzed right in and said to me, "these are my friends?" Dropped his backpack and sat down at the table for a bowl of fruit loops. I was surprised because he's been having a lot of separation anxiety from me lately, but he did wonderfully! Then the second day when he realized that we weren't just there to play and that I would be leaving him like I had the day before, they had to pry his screaming body out of my arms. Not fun for Mommy.
Hopefully tomorrow will be easier and by Friday this should be a breeze! Tonight we saw a school bus and Hughie said, "There's Georgia's bus! When I big boy I ride bus and go to kindergarn!" His language has exploded.